However it is rather ironic that I die in it, (the ironicness is because this song is for my birthday. a day of celebrating my life.) I had to call the writer just to make sure that he really didn't want to kill me. Turns out our composer just watches the show Dexter to much

They don't look alike. I think I am okay chase won't kill me...hopefully.
No any way. the notes from the writer were:
"Your original song, very cleverly named... 'Original Song'
I wrote this while on pain meds... wisdom teeth are bitches."
I only wish I knew how to let the music play so all could hear the twistedness of it and the not transcribed bridge part. interesting
<<< LYRICS >>>
An original song is hard to come by
All the chords are just the same; the lyrics cold and dry, oh
But once in awhile there is a muse that I can use
And the amusing thing about this, is that it happens to be you, oh
Like puzzle pieces we used to fit just right;
But you've gone and went away, now the fit is not as tight.
You come and visit once in awhile, now and again
But I remember you, and I remember when:
You asked my name, said I looked lame, and made fun of my hair,
Said, "not to be mean, have you heard of jeans, might want to get a pair."
Not to be rash, but that mustache; it looks disgusting on your face.
you're a little disgrace!
Many thoughts of you I seem to recall well,
Studying underneath the tree, talkin' like the pimpernel
"Here and there, those frenchies seek him everywere"
Is he in heaven or in hell *gasp* that scarlet pimpernel?
The way I adore you, way that I bore you, the way you don't even look at me
The way that I'm talking, starin' and gaulkin, only for your self-esteem
Thought attraction was actual, friendliness factual, how gullible and naïve.
What a stupid thing, a stupid thing to believe…
Not to be dramatic but nothing is left the same
You're not the person anymore, in my picture frame
And if I can't have you; I do not want to share
So for what's about to happen you might want to prepare…
For I'll pull out my rope, not the one with soap, but it's deadly and tight
I'll knock you out, so you don't shout, and you don't put up a fight.
Faster than lightin, the rope is tightnin, and there goes your air
The moment I dread, you layin' there dead, oh! grief and despair
An original girl is hard to come by
I have a cord around your neck; your body cold and dry, oh
But once in awhile there is a noose that I can use
And the nuisance 'bout this, is that it happens to be you, oh
Next blog...a tribute blog